





Tuesday, January 16, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Plastic arts workshop with
L'Assoc 'de Vaux sur Seulles

Salle communale, 14400 Vaux sur Seulles

Semester registration (in September and January)

One trial session free.

7 sessions : 80€ + 10€ membership fee

Contact : assocvaux@gmail.com

Joseph Le Louarn, President: 06 77 10 83 32; Sylvie Marut, Treasurer: 06 19 56 27 81

Chantal Postaire can help you develop your artistic approach. Based on direct observation of real-life elements, she will help you to gradually define your personal artistic choices. A common theme is chosen by the group. Collective exchanges based on everyone's creations are included in each session. No prerequisites, free technique.

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Le mardi 30 janvier de 14h30 à 17h

Plastic arts workshop with
L'Assoc 'de Vaux sur Seulles

Salle communale, 14400 Vaux sur Seulles

Semester registration (in September and January)

One trial session free.

7 sessions : 80€ + 10€ membership fee

Contact : assocvaux@gmail.com

Joseph Le Louarn, President: 06 77 10 83 32; Sylvie Marut, Treasurer: 06 19 56 27 81

Chantal Postaire can help you develop your artistic approach. Based on direct observation of real-life elements, she will help you to gradually define your personal artistic choices. A common theme is chosen by the group. Collective exchanges based on everyone's creations are included in each session. No prerequisites, free technique.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Plastic arts workshop with
L'Assoc 'de Vaux sur Seulles

Salle communale, 14400 Vaux sur Seulles

Semester registration (in September and January)

One trial session free.

7 sessions : 80€ + 10€ membership fee

Contact : assocvaux@gmail.com

Joseph Le Louarn, President: 06 77 10 83 32; Sylvie Marut, Treasurer: 06 19 56 27 81

Chantal Postaire can help you develop your artistic approach. Based on direct observation of real-life elements, she will help you to gradually define your personal artistic choices. A common theme is chosen by the group. Collective exchanges based on everyone's creations are included in each session. No prerequisites, free technique.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Plastic arts workshop with
L'Assoc 'de Vaux sur Seulles

Salle communale, 14400 Vaux sur Seulles

Semester registration (in September and January)

One trial session free.

7 sessions : 80€ + 10€ membership fee

Contact : assocvaux@gmail.com

Joseph Le Louarn, President: 06 77 10 83 32; Sylvie Marut, Treasurer: 06 19 56 27 81

Chantal Postaire can help you develop your artistic approach. Based on direct observation of real-life elements, she will help you to gradually define your personal artistic choices. A common theme is chosen by the group. Collective exchanges based on everyone's creations are included in each session. No prerequisites, free technique.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Plastic arts workshop with
L'Assoc 'de Vaux sur Seulles

Salle communale, 14400 Vaux sur Seulles

Semester registration (in September and January)

One trial session free.

7 sessions : 80€ + 10€ membership fee

Contact : assocvaux@gmail.com

Joseph Le Louarn, President: 06 77 10 83 32; Sylvie Marut, Treasurer: 06 19 56 27 81

Chantal Postaire can help you develop your artistic approach. Based on direct observation of real-life elements, she will help you to gradually define your personal artistic choices. A common theme is chosen by the group. Collective exchanges based on everyone's creations are included in each session. No prerequisites, free technique.

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Tuesday, April 09, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Plastic arts workshop with
L'Assoc 'de Vaux sur Seulles

Salle communale, 14400 Vaux sur Seulles

Semester registration (in September and January)

One trial session free.

7 sessions : 80€ + 10€ membership fee

Contact : assocvaux@gmail.com

Joseph Le Louarn, President: 06 77 10 83 32; Sylvie Marut, Treasurer: 06 19 56 27 81

Chantal Postaire can help you develop your artistic approach. Based on direct observation of real-life elements, she will help you to gradually define your personal artistic choices. A common theme is chosen by the group. Collective exchanges based on everyone's creations are included in each session. No prerequisites, free technique.

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Du mardi 28 mai au 02 juin - De 11h à 13h et de14h30 à 18h30, Samedi de 10h à 12h


Galerie du Tertre, Le Haut du Tertre, Mont Dol 35120

4 demi-journées (2h30) sur le même thème ou le même lieu, organisation sur 4 après-midi ou 2 journées.




Tuesday, June 11, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Drawing or painting outdoors

Manvieux 14117
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Indoor theme: Still life with flowers/fruit/vegetables

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support

Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone

main qui peint



Le mardi 18 juin de 14h30 à 17h

Drawing or painting outdoors

Manvieux 14117
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Indoor theme: Still life with flowers/fruit/vegetables

 Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support


Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone




Tuesday, June 25, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Drawing or painting outdoors

Port-en-Bessin 14520
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Thème en intérieur : Nature morte à partir de fleurs / fruits / légumes

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support


Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone




Le mercredi 10 juillet de 14h30 à 17h

Drawing or painting outdoors

Port - en - Bessin - Huppain

Exceptionnellement l’atelier du mardi est déplacé au mercredi.

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support

Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone

main peinture



Du vendredi 19 juillet au jeudi 25 juillet - De 14h30 à 18h30


Chapelle saint Anne-de- la Grève, Chemin de sainte Anne, Sainte Broladre 35120

4 demi-journées (2h30) sur le même thème ou le même lieu, organisation sur 4 après-midi ou 2 journées.



Le mardi 30 juillet de 14h30 à 17h

Drawing or painting outdoors

Ryes 14400
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Indoor theme: Still life with flowers/fruit/vegetables

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support


Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone




Tuesday, August 13, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Drawing or painting outdoors

Parking Cap Manvieux 14117
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Indoor theme: Still life with flowers/fruit/vegetables

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support

Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone

main pastel



Tuesday, August 20, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Drawing or painting outdoors

Parking Cap Manvieux 14117
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Indoor theme: Still life with flowers/fruit/vegetables

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support


Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone

Photo montrant une toile en cours de réalisation



Tuesday, August 27, 2:30 to 5 p.m.

Drawing or painting outdoors

RDV at the foot of the Vauban Tower, Port en Bessin 14520
(In the event of inclement weather, it may be possible to move indoors)

Thème repli : Nature morte à partir de fleurs / fruits / légume

Adultes et adolescents

15€ with your own material / 20€ material supplied (Acrylics, canvas, brushes)

Bring your own seat and a rigid support

Book 48 hours in advance by e-mail or telephone

Photo montrant une toile en cours de réalisation

Also to be seen...

Photo montrant l'œuvre "Pénélope confinée" en cours de création

Penelope's world

Photo d'un arbre au levé du soleil


Signed artworks

Do you like my collages?

I offer numbered prints on 300g paper in 65 x 50 cm and postcard reproductions.

Please contact me by e-mail or telephone.

Online store

I offer merchandising on the Tpops website:

organic cotton bags and ceramic mugs.

You can visit my store and order directly.

Photo produits dérivés Tpop. Sac et tasse.